• REDEER ESSMAT MAJEED High Diploma Student, Dermatology, University of Duhok, College of Medicine.
  • SHERWAN FERMAN SALIH Assist. Professor, Clinical Biochemistry Department, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • AZAD SALEH MOHAMMED Assist. Professor, Medical Chemistry Department, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
  • AZAD SALEH MOHAMMED Assist. Professor, Medical Chemistry Department, College of Medicine, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Keywords: Non-scarring hair loss, Serum vitamin D, Telogen effluvium


Background: Telogen effluvium, a commonly reported problem, strictly affect the quality of life of the patients. Vitamin D stimulates differentiation of hair follicles. The association between serum vitamin D levels and telogen effluvium describe in several studies. The aim of study was to determine serum level of vitamin D in patients with telogen effluvium and analyze the relationship of altered serum total vitamin D levels with Telogen effluvium. 

Methods: This study was conducted at dermatological department out-patient clinic of Azadi Teaching Hospital, Duhok city, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, during period from 20th of December 2021 to 20th of April 2022; in which 100 subjects included 50 cases with telogen effluvium and 50 healthy controls.

Results: The prevalence rate of vitamin D deficiency among patients with telogen effluvium was distributed as severe deficient 62%, insufficient 26%, and sufficient 12%. Mean ± SD of vitamin  D was 6.93 ± 3.56 for patients compared with Mean ± SD 21.10 ± 11.88, (p-value <0.0001) for healthy control. Most cases were from urban areas and most controls were from rural areas, 66% versus 55.01 %( p=0.0346).

Conclusions: The patients with telogen effluvium in this study had significantly low levels of serum total vitamin D and higher prevalence rate of vitamin D deficiency when compared with healthy control.


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